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The perfect cognitive game for people of all ages

Girl with a Tablet
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Our Game

Your New Go-To App for Better Mental Skills.

Our brand new game aims to improve your cognitive skills over the long term. Our goal is to spread our game to many people especially children, who really need to develop their brains' skills. We as a group searched and worked together to make our final product that you hopefully like. You are welcomed to try it by clicking on the button below.

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“That’s what games are, in the end. Teachers. Fun is just another word for learning.”

Raph Koster - game designer, creative director of the Star Wars Galaxies series

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Cognitive skills targeted

Skills you will develop by playing

Sustained attention

It helps you focus on a single task for a long period of time. This skill allows you to stay focused and motivated to continue a single task until you complete it. Sustained attention helps you to resist moving on to other projects and instead to work toward long-term goals.

Selective attention

It allows you to focus your attention on a single task even when there are distractions around you. It helps you decide where you will place your attention among many different choices and enables you to stay on that task. For instance, you could practice selective attention by answering emails instead of checking your phone or socializing with coworkers.

Divided attention

Sometimes you need to have your attention in multiple places, and
divided attention helps you retain information while successfully completing two or more tasks at the same time. For example, you could be finalizing your current project while also completing the preparation stages of your next project. Divided attention helps you to complete today’s task without forgetting the ideas you have for next week’s project.

Logic & Reasoning

They help you solve problems and generate ideas. You use logic and reasoning skills when you identify the needs of a consumer and go through a process of brainstorming and problem-solving to meet those needs. You also use logic and reasoning when you analyze data or compile reports.

Visual Processing

It helps you effectively interpret images. Strong visual processing skills allow you to analyze designs, proofread important documents and make sense of visual representations of data, such as graphs and tables.

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