The movie portrays a scenario in the distant future where AI has taken control over mankind. Humans are unaware that they are forced to live in a simulated world right from birth while their unconscious bodies are used as power sources by the machines. Although the simulation – ‘The Matrix’ – is science-fictional, there is an element of horror identifiable when the enormous human-growing fields are shown. There is also an aspect of gruesomeness in the scene where Neo is interrogated when his mouth sews up and subsequently the agents insert a robotic parasite into his body which enters through his navel. Unsurprisingly, science-fiction is well represented in the film, such as the sentinels or when Neo masters several combat techniques simply by having them uploaded to his mind. There are also fantastic aspects, for instance, when Neo dodges bullets and throws punches at blinding speeds or when seemingly innocent citizens suddenly transform into agents. The striking theme of the movie, however, appears to be belief. In the Oracle’s apartment, the young child who seems to be bending spoons with his mind tells Neo, “Do not try to bend the spoon. Instead, only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” This may suggest that the power of belief alone could allow anyone to manipulate the Matrix in bizarre ways. The idea of believing being a focal part of being human is clearly depicted when Neo clashes with agent Smith and seems to grow in confidence with every blow he delivers to the agent, feeling that he could emerge victorious. This notion also links fittingly with the quote from Mouse: “To deny our own impulses, is to deny the very thing that makes us human.” At the climax of the movie, Neo is shot multiple times by Smith and he is presumed dead, yet Trinity’s love resurrects him. He then truly starts to believe that he is ‘The One’ and is able to stop the agents’ bullets and blocks each of Smith’s punches with ease before destroying him. This is where Neo’s self-belief is at its zenith and the various concepts of the movie culminate into one exciting finale.
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